Friday, February 27, 2009

Art Auctions Can Enhance Your Collection

Art collectors all over the world absolutely love the major auction houses because they are the places to go if you want to get your hands on the pieces that can prove to be the staples of your collection.

It is rare that they auction forgeries, having a major series of checks in place to prevent this, and thus you can be safe in the knowledge that you are buying the genuine article. You can also get your hands on pieces that may otherwise be unavailable in your lifetime.

Some of the auction houses out there are world renowned and known by the majority of art collectors and non-collectors alike, but there are one or two gems that tend to swoop under the radar of the general public. However, below is a list of some of the most prominent for you to consult with and look into in order to enhance your collection.

Christie's - Christie's is one of the most famous art auction houses in the world and has been established since 1766, thus giving it that air of tradition that other, more modern houses would kill for. The auctions take place all over the world, with venues such as Amsterdam, New York¸ London and Paris

Sotheby's - Sotheby's is the other prestigious art auction house in the world, and is even perhaps better known than Christie's. Amsterdam, New York, Gleneagles in Scotland, Melbourne and Singapore are all sites for the various auctions that occur all year round. It offers a complete art collectors service and that now includes online bidding.

Bonhams and Butterfields - This is the third largest art auction house in the world today and prides itself on being one of the most modern. It is based in the USA and is known for its appraisal service as well as the fine art that passes through its auction rooms. There is also a range of antiques one offer at any given time, which attracts collectors from all over the country and its fair share of foreign clients!

Dorotheum - Although this is considered to be one of the smaller art auction houses in the world, it still hosts over six hundred auctions every year and holds a massive variety of pieces. Based in Europe, Dorotheum boasts a payroll of over seventy art experts so you can be assured that everything auctioned is genuine and of a high quality. You can find the auction houses in Austria and the Czech Republic.

Phillips de Pury & Luxembourg - With auctions in Geneva, Zurich and New York, the de Pury galleries are beginning to make a major impression on the art world. With specialisms in American and contemporary art, there is a wide variety of pieces to choose from. However, de Pury also offers the option of private sales of Impressionist and modern pieces. If your collection is based around such genres and styles then this is the place to go.

Of course, the art auction houses listed above tend to be the more expensive because they are the most prominent and more prestigious, but you are assured of purchasing quality if you do add to your collection through them.

They all have comprehensive websites that can be consulted if you do want a better idea of what the individual houses can do for you, and there are also other options. A simple Internet search with the keyword "art auction house" will yield hundreds of results. It is then up to you to choose the best one for you!

If you like the painting above called "ESP"you can see it at

Until next time...

Cynthia Goranson

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